Monthly Archives: October 2023

Club Secretary Catch Up – 7 December

At a recent club catchup, it is noted that club secretaries would welcome the opportunity to come together and discuss a number of topics that impact the role and meet other club secretaries.

The first topic discussion will take place on the 7 th December at 7pm. I have created the following form to allow any interested individuals to raise a topic(s) they would like to see discussed. If there are a large number of topics, I will look to cover these in additional sessions.

Here is the link, as promised above:  NCAS Club Secretaries – 7th December 2023

If you have any queries or would like to discuss this further, please let me know.

Many thanks



Junior Postal League / Rankings Reminder

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

It is pleasure to announce the launch of the Northern Counties Postal League, specifically designed for Juniors across the counties of Cheshire/ Cumbria/ DNAA/ Isle of Man/ Lancashire and Yorkshire.

This postal league provides an opportunity for Juniors to compete with others from across the six counties, but from there own club setting, by providing scores on a monthly basis. It  will be coordinated by the NCAS Junior Lead, Dave Crow with support from the NCAS Youth Subgroup (which consists of representatives from each of the Counties and AGB Young Ambassadors)

Here is a link to the postal league, which will provide more information: Join the NCAS Youth Archers Postal League (

In addition, this is a reminder to any Junior archers that haven’t submitted their scores for the 2023 Junior National rankings, to do so by the 31st October 2023. 

The junior rankings are your chance to submit your best scores see your name in lights on Archery GB’s website. Entering the rankings is a great way to track your progress in the sport and see how you compare to other archers of your age and gender shooting the same round and using the same bow type as you.

Here is a link to explain further (please scroll down to Junior Rankings 2023): UK National Archery Rankings | Archery GB

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks

